In the heart of the Scottish Highlands, the Nevis Range resort at Fort William offers a complete mountain experience in summer and winter. The bike park offers 60km of trails suitable for all levels, while the ski area has more than thirty pistes.
Since 2002, the resort has hosted the British round of the DH World Cup, where some of the finest moments of downhill racing have been witnessed. We all remember Amaury Pierron's victory in 2022 on that particularly testing track!
The other notable event of the mountain bike season is the MacAvalanche, a marathon downhill race under the eye of the highest point of the British Isles: Ben Nevis at 1345m.
The resort has strong environmental values. It is almost energy self-sufficient and has eliminated plastic and paper from its operations.
Nevis Range is a unique place for mountain bike and ski enthusiasts.

OPEN from April to October