Whistler Mountain Bike Park is an incredible spot. Since 1999, it has been a world leading destination. With 125 trails over four main zones, including the legendary A-LINE, Top of The World and more recently the 1199, it is the largest lift serviced area in North America.
Access to the park is possible from Whistler Village and Creekside. In these two locations it’s possible to rent a SUPREME DH V5, FRS or CLASH bike from a variety of different bike shops, and discover the many activities offered by the resort.
Whistler is also the birthplace of Crankworx, a mountain bike festival made famous by its Slopestyle contest, which has now expanded internationally.
If you want to learn from the best, Whistler Bike School is a must with camps, training programs, courses, and guided rides. The WMBP also offers a dedicated experience for disabled riders with Adaptive MTB possibilities.
We are proud to be a partner of the most comprehensively developed park in the world.

OPEN from May to October